Thursday, January 19, 2017

Remember what you say!

On January 19th 2017, CNN posted an article on their website about remarks that Rick Perry made about the Energy Department back in 2012. While Rick Perry was running his presidential campaign in 2012 the Energy Department was one of the agencies that he committed to shutting down if elected. Now I'm sure your wondering why this is important five years later? The irony in this situation is the fact that President Trump has elected to put Perry in charge of the Energy Department and on Jan 19th 2017 he will sit in a hearing and ask for confirmation of that appointment. I feel as though this is a prime example of how our politicians need to first off remember what they say and the promises that are given to the the people, but I also think this shows a double standard of our government. I don't see how someone can be appointed to lead something that they felt was useless just five short years ago. I find this as a valuable lesson to always remember that what you say, especially in politics, because people will never be forgotten.

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